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Vitamin C Articles

Latest information about the beneficial effects of vitamin C. This is where you'll find our case studies, clinical trial results and tips from our experts who include doctors and fully qualified nutritionists!

  • Clinical Trial Proves Research Shows Altrient C Makes Skin 33% Firmer

    Clinical Trial Proves Research Shows Altrient C Makes Skin 33% Firmer


    Altrient C significantly improves skin elasticity in just 4 weeks. Abundance and Health, today announces positive results of a 4-week clinical trial investigating the anti-ageing skin firming properties of their lead product Altrient C, the world’s first liposomal vitamin C gel sachets.

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  • Abundance and Health Products Receiving Attention in Top Magazines and Websites

    Abundance and Health Products Receiving Attention in Top Magazines and Websites


    The word is getting out about Abundance and Health products and they have been receiving high profile coverage in some of the top magazines and websites. The products have been used by well-known celebrities and are getting some high praise.

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  • Are You Vitamin C Deficient? Here Are Some Warning Signs

    Are You Vitamin C Deficient? Here Are Some Warning Signs


    Many people think of scurvy as a disease that sailors used to get back in the 18h century, caused by a lack of vitamin C due to long voyages without any access to citrus fruits. However, you might be very surprised to know that scurvy is more popular in modern times that you would think.

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  • Lypo-spheric Vitamin C for sports people

    Lypo-spheric Vitamin C for sports people


    As someone who played a lot of sport in her youth I ‘hung out’ with lots of other sporty people. Many of those went on to achieve great things. In fact many of those have played sport at a national level, be that cricket, field hockey or even dragon-boat racing.

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  • Benefits of liposomal Vitamin C, Altrient Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C - LivOn Labs

    Benefits of liposomal Vitamin C, Altrient Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C - LivOn Labs


    An article on the benefits of  Altrient Lypo-spheric Vitamin C by Freelance Nutrition Consultant and Writer Jenny Tschiesche BSc (hons) Dip ION FdSc mBANT CNHC Registered:Most people, however poor their nutrition knowledge have some idea that Vitamin C is ‘good’ for them. In fact some weeks I feel that it is banded about so much that we’ve become blasé about it.

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  • Wonderful News report on IV and Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C

    Wonderful News report on IV and Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C


    This is a must watch! The special news report from New Zealand about how Intravenous and Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C was used as part of treatment for a gentleman with severe swine flu. There was a lot of resistance from the medical authorities and Lawyers had to be called in.

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  • Abundance and Health to Attend the CamExpo UK

    Abundance and Health to Attend the CamExpo UK


    CamExpo is the only event for the complimentary, integrated and natural healthcare sector in the UK. Therapists, practitioners, students, retailers and businesses from all over the country will come to the event to learn more about the products and services offered and the current developments in the industry.

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  • Product Rebrand Announced for LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric

    Product Rebrand Announced for LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric


    LivOn Labs has recently announced that they will be rebranding their Lypo-Spheric product range for Europe. The packaging of the product will come into line with the European standards and the products, including the AGE-Blocker, GSH and the Vitamin C supplement, will take on the LivOn Labs Altrient trade mark.

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  • Long haul health travel hazards

    Long haul health travel hazards


    The holiday season is well and truly underway and the prospect of long lazy days in the sun may soon become a reality for many of us.

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  • Super Summer Nutrients

    Super Summer Nutrients


    Getting through a scorching summer filled with family outings and boozy barbecues involves a great deal of stress management, skin care and liver support – so you need to familiarise yourself with the nutrients that help you sail through the sunshine months unscathed!

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  • Urban lifestyle - immune essentials for city-dwellers and commuters

    Urban lifestyle - immune essentials for city-dwellers and commuters


    The onset of autumn brings many changes, not just to the weather but also to our health and wellbeing.

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  • How to hang on to vitamin C and reap the benefits

    How to hang on to vitamin C and reap the benefits


    According to scientific evidence, vitamin C is an essential nutrient that we simply cannot do without, especially as it’s not produced by the human body and must be sought from the diet.

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Showing 49 to 60 of 136 (12 Pages)

