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  • Sex and your shopping basket

    Sex and your shopping basket


    One easy and sometimes overlooked way of reducing stress, sleeping better and maintaining fitness, is having a healthy sex life. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and a combination of factors can lead to less and less activity in the bedroom.  Often this is to do with energy levels, hormone changes, stress and a lack of desire.

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  • Kick Cellulite to the Kerb Naturally

    Kick Cellulite to the Kerb Naturally


    Cellulite plagues a staggering 85% of women in the UK, leaving many feeling self-conscious about exposing their bodies and often feeling lost as to how to rid themselves of these pesky lumps and bumps. Many social myths surround the causes of cellulite, whether you’re being told that it only happens to overweight women or that it is purely caused by the food we eat. Cellulite can happen to anyone, regardless of shape or size, but do not despair! There are natural ways you can help your body...

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  • Foods that make you glad, sad and hopping mad!

    Foods that make you glad, sad and hopping mad!


    Keep grinning all day long…. Mix up a bowl of chopped fresh berries, sprinkled with seeds and nuts and top with a big dollop of natural yogurt and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a day filled with happiness and vitality. Add in a handful of oats soaked in apple juice and you have a winning formula, guaranteed to make your day sparkle.

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  • The Grass is not always Greener!

    The Grass is not always Greener!


    1 in 4 people in this country suffer from hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, and it’s usually caused by something as inoffensive as grass pollen!

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  • If you are serious about your health then you should seriously know about Glutathione.

    If you are serious about your health then you should seriously know about Glutathione.


    Glutathione is often called the “Master Defender” due to its vast functions as an antioxidant, detoxifier and immune system supporter.Basically it’s powerful ability to boost your health and vitality!

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  • Deliverance from the Negative Effects of Ageing

    Deliverance from the Negative Effects of Ageing


    It’s a law of nature and a law of science that all things lose energy and eventually disintegrate. When it happens to iron-containing metals it’s called rust; as it becomes visible in humans we call it ageing.

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  • The 6 Important Roles of Vitamin C

    The 6 Important Roles of Vitamin C


    It is assumed by many that vitamin C is only required in tiny amounts sufficient to prevent scurvy. It is true that this vitamin C-deficiency disease spawned the chemical name ascorbate for vitamin C. Ascorbate literally means “against scurvy.” Were this its only function, the RDA for vitamin C would be sufficient for most people on the planet. But, there’s vastly more it can do.

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  • Altrient C Vitamin C makes skin firmer: And we can prove it.

    Altrient C Vitamin C makes skin firmer: And we can prove it.


    Read more about how a powerful combination of Vitamin C and our amazing new technology can create healthier, smoother and younger looking skin, with scientifically proven result...

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  • 5 questions about nutrients you have always wanted to ask…

    5 questions about nutrients you have always wanted to ask…


    We know that many of you are looking for authoritative answers to their questions about nutrients. Here are answers to some of the most important questions people are asking.

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  • How vitamin C supports the immune system.

    How vitamin C supports the immune system.


    Vitamin C is thought to be one of the essential nutrients during the winter months. Studies have some that vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells that that help to protect the bodies cells.

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  • Glutathione – The Master Detoxifier

    Glutathione – The Master Detoxifier


    If you value your health, you should worship your liver! This amazing organ is a powerhouse of activity performing over 500 functions daily to preserve your health and wellbeing. None of this is possible without the master detoxifier Glutathione.

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  • 10 Top Tips for great skin all year round

    10 Top Tips for great skin all year round


    There’s nothing quite like a great summer tan for turning back time. Eyes look bright, teeth look white and skin is positively glowing. But how do you maintain that wonderful youthful glow even after the last days of summer are fading and winter is drawing in? Icy winds, central heating and stodgy comfort food are the perfect combination for dry dull skin, but don’t despair. 

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Showing 193 to 204 of 250 (21 Pages)

